DIY Sensory Bin

Sensory tables can be a great tool for intergrating more explorative play for your kiddos. Below we have a sensory table “recipe” to make your own DIY Sensory table at home.

Many of these fillers can be found around your home! Want to make things extra fun? Try an edible sesnory bin. Use cereal or cooked pasta for an extra fun experience.

You only need a few supplies for your tables. A bin of any size, a table, fillers, tools, add ins. There is no need to go out and spend extra money on tools or supplies! You most likely have plenty of supplies with what you have at home.

Your kiddos toys can be a great add in for a sensory bins! Small cars, plastic animals, gems or rocks etc. are all fantastic things to add into the bin.

For tools, check your kitchen! You might have small tupperware, measuring cups, measuring spoons etc. Differnt sizes and tools make for an extra fun experience.


Having Happy Holidays